Thursday, January 5, 2012

Show Me The Money !

In some cases it is looking us square in the face! We read our newspapers sometimes daily, most of us get weekly circulars in our mailboxes that go straight to the trash (I know b/c that use to be me). We are oblivious to it's value because it is not green and does not have the imprint "In God we Trust". Money comes in a variety of colors, shapes and forms. When we throw away a $.25 coupon which often may be doubled to value $.50 we are taking cash out of our pocket! If you do not want the savings, I am sure that you will not have to look far for someone that will appreciate it... Try this, for the next 30 days buy the Sunday paper and clip the coupons that you know you will use (now you  may have to settle for another brand than that you would normally use). Keep a running total of the amount that you save from each coupon. You will see the money! Give it a try...I am sure that you will view your newspaper and circulars differently. Now let's get frugal wit it!

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