Couponing Newbies

Once you start using coupons you will love them and wonder why you have not been using them all along. Do not feel the need to become an "Extreme Couponer" overnight. It will frustrate you and your coupons will more than likely end up in the junk drawer...never to surface again.

Where Can I Find Coupons  - You will want to subscribe to your local newspaper. I originally got a subscription to three different papers. Then I realized that they all did not carry a full insert. I also found out the "Early Edition" of one of the Sunday Paper came out on Saturday and if I picked it up my local grocery store it only cost $0.99 opposed to $1.95 on Sunday if I get it at a store like WaWa or 7-Eleven. Of course the better price is to subscribe, and you may want "Sunday Only" since it is where your inserts are found. Some places sell "inserts only" my town does not.
Print from on-line sites - There are several sites solely for the purpose of coupon printing. Most stores honor them, I have not been turned away, yet. At first I wondered if it was worst printing and using the ink. It is, I put the setting of my printer on "gray" or "black and white" depending on which printer I am using. It cuts down on the ink. For the most part the sites allow one coupon per person. However, if you push the back button once, it will allow you to print another. Depending on how many of the item you would like, you can use as many different computers as you like to get even more, two each time. I print from two or three different computer, that is 4-6 coupons.
Packages or inside items purchased - Always look inside of your cereal and pasta boxes. Often you will find coupons inside to cut out or on the back. At times you can peel off coupon for the immediate money off of the purchase, these are called "peelies", you notice them most often on meats. I do not want to overwhelm you so I will post this in parts and you can read as little or much as you want too. Again do not feel the need to do be an instead success. On my first trip I was so nervous because I had way more items then money. But it gets easier!

FREE...FREE...FREE .. Yes you heard me right! Ask family and friends for inserts if they are not interest in couponing. Check with your township and to see if it is ok to dumpster dive in your recycle bins. Or dumpster dive into any bin that does not say "prohibited" to do so.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Changing your shopping habits

For the most part you will have to change everything about the way you shop to maximize your savings.    
                                                                       Few Tips 
  • Buy everything on sale - some tines you may absolutely have to have a product, but if you are able to do so wait.
  • Brand loyalty - when you are shopping for the best deals, brand loyalty goes out the window!
  • Stockpiling  - my stockpile is small compared to a lot of others that I have seen...but, I try to stockpile only the items that I know  I will be using. Stockpiling allows me to be able to buy these items only at good sale prices. At times I will buy other items if they are at a steal.

Runs - I may make several runs a week. Usually it goes like this..Run 1: I match my coupons with the circulars and what I need that is on sale or that I have coupons for ( it is usually the local grocery store or drugstore, that is within my travels). Run 2: By this time I have searched the blogs and found deals that others may have posted and then I see what else I can get that I may add to my stockpile or need for the week. Run 3: If the there is one, not always. Again I con't to look for deals or things that I may have missed or just check the drugstores for clearance items. I find great deals on those items, that is where you are able to rack up.